• We live in a world of dog-lovers. And how can anyone not love dogs? They are just like us. They are clever, they are fun, they are caring, they are understanding. They can be naughty sometimes, but we still love them. Some of us even love dogs more than people. They become our best friends. For some, dogs are just like children.

    No wonder, dog-owners try to do their best to make their dogs the happiest pets in the world. That's why we give them everything best - best dog's food, best hairstyle, best dog rain jacket, and so much more. However, can we be sure that our gets everything necessary for well-being?

    Let's have a closer look at those stylish rain jackets designed specifically for dogs. We all love how our dogs look in them when we take them for a walk on a rainy day. Are not they cute?  

    It may look that rainy jackets for dogs have a lot of advantages. They protect our pets' fur from rain and mud, meaning we have to take care of our dogs when we come back home - just rub their paws to make them clean again. Very convenient. However, is it just as comfortable for dogs?

    Probably, the first time ever you put a rain coat on your pet, it was not very happy with that fact. You noticed that it was somewhat troubled and started moving in an unnatural way, trying to throw off the fabric. With time, he got used to this sort of rain protection and started acting normally again. However, on a rainy day it is very strange. 

    And that is understandable, if we look at dogs as at creatures of nature. It is even better to look at their closest relatives from the wild nature. Can you imagine a wolf trying to cover himself with some material when it starts to rain? That is not their natural behavior. When it starts to rain, most wolfs (and dogs, for that matter) try to find shelter. Very rarely, when they are in an extra playful mood, they enjoy running and playing in rain. However, most often, wolves prefer to wait for the rain to end in a cave or under the shelter of trees.

    This research  also provides some facts about the use of rain jackets for dogs. According to Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, when we put a rain jacket on our dogs, we make them feel submissive. It can be explained by the fact that a dominant wolf makes his subordinates obey by pressing them on the back and head. The same sensations your dog experiences when you put a raincoat on him - the fabric presses tightly against the back and head, making your dog feel suppressed.


    So, if you can not get accustomed to his rain jacket even after several wears, perhaps, it is a sign that he does not really need it? After all, dogs have their own coats that offer good protection from the elements. Equipping them with another one is not the most reasonable decision.

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